Yootheme Developer
experienced with Yootheme frameworks since 2009

What is Yootheme?
Yootheme is a premium theme (template framework) for WordPress and Joomla. It has been around and evolving since 2007. According to the company it has 150,000 users, who have used this template on one or more websites.
In 2013 the team behind Yootheme launched their own open source front-end framework, called UIKIT. This framework is a serious competitor to Bootstrap and others, to a degree that is mentioned frequently as one of the top five user interface frameworks.
Being based on the home-made UIKIT, Yootheme has a very firm ground and is being rapidly developed to include the latest advancements in the fields of web-development. The other advantage is working with both Joomla and WordPress community of developers, the framework is being fed by reflections and needs from both communities. This also opens my hands as a Yootheme developer to choose between the two CMS systems, according to the needs of the client.
Dynamic Content
Since Yootheme 2.0, the developers can load the template with dynamic content. What does it mean? I can keep the complexities of the Yootheme in the background, using it to design page-templates, and make the administration interface much simpler for my clients. So, it does what a real Premium template should do, which is allowing to completely separate the content from design. Aside from simplifying the content management for the clients, it has many more technical advantages, such as the ability to change many pages by editing one template.
Mobile First Design
UIKIT, and on top of it YOOtheme Pro are mobile-first templates, meaning that they are constructed from the beginning to look well and fast on mobile devices. The layouts and elements follow an intelligent logic to adapt to other screen sizes.
Clean Code, with Minimum-Optimumistic Approach
In compare to many other famous templates and front-end frameworks, UIKIT can be called minimalistic, yet I think this label is not enough to value the beauty of their code. That is why the term minimum-optimumistic sounds more just. While being simple, the code base and its logic gives the developer many possibilites to create beautiful and efficient designs. It reduces the time of development significantly, so more time can be focused on other technical tasks.
Kamyar, a Yootheme Developer
I have worked with Yootheme templates since the beginning of its creation, in 2007. When it comes to template making and design, I know my ways around this amazing product, and I do confidently suggest my clients to have it as a base for their websites. Until 2018 I have been mostly working with Joomla. In the recent years and with Yootheme’s ability to load dynamic content, I have been developing mostly with WordPress. I am based in Turkey, but my client base is mostly Europe.
- UIkit website
- YOOtheme Pro Website